Dallas Altrusa Club Information
Altrusa attracts a wide cross section of members. The reasons they become Altrusans are as varied and numerous as the communities in which they live. Most join because they were invited by a friend or associate they trust. Many look for an opportunity to meet new friends; others to advance their skills. Some join to meet the people who shape their communities. Others want to add a meaningful new experience to their lives. Learn more about what we do – if you like us, contact us so that we may guide you in the process of becoming an Altrusa leader in your community.
Club Meeting Information
The Club meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at La Madeleine 11930 Preston Rd. Ste 100 in Dallas (@ Preston and Royal). Both meetings are “hybrid.” We meet in-person and on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending a club meeting, please contact us at altrusadallas@gmail.com or show up at La Mad! See our Calendar for meeting updates due to inclement weather or other special events.
Dinner and Reservations
Let us know you are coming and your first meal is on us.
Orientation Meetings
The Membership Development Committee hosts Orientation Meetings throughout the club year existing club members to get acquainted with new members and to introduce new members to our club’s tradition, projects and procedures.
Credit for Attendance
Members are encouraged to make Club meetings a special event and to attend all meetings if possible. Those who achieve perfect attendance will be recognized at Conference! Absence at a meeting may be made up by:
- Attending a meeting of another Altrusa Club.
- Attend an additionally scheduled meeting of our Club, including Orientations when they are approved by the membership as part of the programs for the year.
- Attend International Convention, District Conference, or a District workshop.
To receive credit for visiting another Altrusa Club, obtain a Credit for Attendance card from the Club Treasurer. Have the card completed and signed by an officer of the Club you visit, and return the card to our Club’s secretary.
Annual Dues
Club dues are $115 per year, due on June 1. Of this amount, International dues are $55 and District dues are $18, with the balance used for the Club’s general operating budget. New members pay a one-time fee that covers processing, membership pin, and name tag $50. They also pay dues according to the date they are initiated, as follows:
- June 1 through November 30: full dues ($115)
- December 1 through March 31: half dues ($55)
- April 1 through June 1: full dues for the following year ($115)