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Service Project: Backpacks for the Homeless

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For the 2023-2024 Club Year we are determined to perform a service project at each of our third Tuesday meetings. The service project for October 17, 2023, was inspired by Deana Sprinkles, who often hikes with a local crew that cleans up parks as they hike. During these clean up hikes they often come across homeless encampments. Deana suggested that we put together back packs with useful items so they can be left at the encampments.

We ended up putting together 20+ packs with useful items such as :

  • reusable water bottle or coffee mug
  • toilet paper
  • tooth brush/tooth paste
  • socks, scarf, gloves & beanie
  • non-perishable snack foods
  • soap

The day following our project, Elle Reese got in touch with a local volunteer, Annette Gutierrez, who often makes friends with homeless people and holds picnics to feed her friends in places where the homeless congregate. 15 or so of these bags made their way into the trunk of Annette’s car, and then quickly into the hands of her friends. Below you will find some pictures of our project to create these backpacks, and the grateful recipients.