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Camp Read-A-Lot 2017

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The CAMP opened at MLK JR. Learning Center Friday December 2nd at 1:00pm. Students filed into the auditorium to sit before a colorful logo of the Camp. Mrs. Gbegan, First Grade Teacher, greeted the students and introduced the Camp Activity. Sandra Blassingame relayed the purpose of Altrusa and introduced members present which included Jan Howell, Pat Pirtle, Betty Lawson, Dee Parmer, Jackie Robertson, Yolanda Joosten, Anne Reed and Gwendy Hays, volunteer. Members distributed books titled “The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell” for the Camp program and for the student’s home library. Students proceeded to the four tents erected, one for each First Grade Class. Sitting under the tents the students read their books led by their teachers. Art projects related to the con- tent of the books were completed and students proudly displayed their work on display boards. Club members distributed refreshments and each student received an additional book, “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”. Tee shirts with the Camp Logo were passed out and many students immediately tried them on. The Principal, Mrs. Gloria Kennedy, thanked Altrusa and directed the group for photos. We ap- preciate the great work and planning by the teachers directed by Mrs. Rose Weaver.