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Nine Altrusans visited Scottish Rite Hospital and entertained seven children and five siblings from the Children’s Orthopedic Hospital. Katie McKenzie, Nichole Parr, Susie Berend, Pat Pirtle, Elle Reese, Gillian Allen, Jackie Robertson, Sharron Vance and Dee Parmer joined together to help the children enjoy their night. Altrusa Dallas provided t-shirts, paint, and stencils for the […]

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The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) in Dallas specializes in the treatment of pediatric orthopedic conditions. The children treated here face various physical circumstances including scoliosis (a curvature of the spine), clubfoot, and limb length differences. Our very own Sharron Vance has volunteered every Thursday evening at this hospital since August, 1995, and […]

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